Personalized travel guides

Itineraries designed exclusively for you, according to the amount of time you have and budget.

We offer you personalized travel guides that are custom made, by request, so that you don’t have to worry about anything. From the moment you arrive at the airport, or train station, in Paris, you’ll feel as if you were travelling with a private tour guide, except you’ll have the freedom to choose what to do and at your own pace.

The itineraries are exclusively designed for you in accordance with the amount of time you have and your budget.


Do you have a list of things you want to, and have always dreamed of doing in Paris but you’re not sure how to organize them?
Want to visit Paris but don’t want to deal with the stress of planning it or overspending on a private tour guide?
Have you already been to Paris but want to come back and see/do different things?

Our Personalized Travel Guides are the perfect fit for you !

Our personalized travel guides include:

  • Precise information on how to get from the airport/train station to your accommodations
  • Instructions on how to move around autonomously in Paris, in a simple and economic way based on where your lodging is and the activities you’ll be doing
  • Daily detailed activity programs for the duration of your stay
  • Restaurant recommendations that fit your itinerary
  • Safety tips
  • Images and small maps
  • A little history, just enough to not overwhelm you
  • How to get to the airport, or train station

How does it work?

1. Reach out to us first by filling out this FORM, so we can have a better understanding of your needs
2. Once we review the information, we’ll send you an initial assessment (so that you may have a summary of the initial proposal and its price.)
3. If you decide to accept the initial proposal, we’ll proceed to calling you to ask you a few more questions and find out what expectations you have for your trip to Paris.

4. We finish defining your itinerary and give you the final price

5. Payment of the travel guide
6. We design your personalized travel guide step-by-step; the finished version will be sent to you within 3 weeks maximum
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