The Best Crêperies in Paris!

Las mejores creperías de París

As we get closer to what is known as the Chandeleur here in France (keep reading, we’ll tell you all about it!), we decided to share what we consider to be the best crêperies in Paris (at the moment), all of which are included in our recommendations when we design Personalized Guides for our customers.

There are tons of crêperies and they exist in various presentations: street carts/stands, big, small, sit-down restaurant, modern, themed, “tourist traps”, and even a few special ones for connoisseurs. However, at Descubre Paris we believe the best places aren’t necessarily those where the line is out the door and around the block, or the trendy ones. For us, a good creperie has a diverse menu that’s been well thought-out, that represents Breton culture, at fair prices and above all that use quality ingredients in their preparations.

The basics:
Las mejores creperías de París
Crêpes y cidra. Foto ©Descubre París 2020

First, we’ll be going over a couple of things to get your mouth watering!

  • Crêpes originated in the Brittany region of France; they are also known as “Galettes”. This depends on which part of the region you’re in. In Upper-Brittany the galette is what is eaten as a main plate and crêpes are the dessert end of the meal. In Lower-Brittany they use the term “crêpe” universally.
  • Galettes differ from crêpes in their composition; they are made with buckwheat flour (sarrasin in French) which is then mixed with salt and water, they are also made to be thicker. Crêpes are made with flour, eggs, milk, vanilla and are spread thinner.
  • When you’re looking at a real crêperie’s menu you’ll find they’ll present galettes (savory) on one side of the menu and crêpes (sweet) on the other. Due to their different composition, they are different in color, flavor, consistency and even shape.
Las mejores creperías de París
Crêpes franceses. Foto ©Descubre París 2020
  • Galettes tend to have a square-like shape versus a crêpes classically round shape.
  • Don’t forget to pair your galette with cider! We recommend going for sweet cider (doux), although some may prefer a brut cider, which is dryer.
  • What is the Chandeleur (Candlemas)? It’s a religious-based holiday, inspired in the presentation of Jesus at the Temple and the recognition Simeon gave him as the “Light of Israel”. It is also associated with the Feast of the Purification of the Virgin Mary, observed with the lighting of candles.
  • In France, Candlemas is observed traditionally with making crêpes; the origin of this dating back to Pope Gelasius I who had crêpes distributed to the pilgrims that arrived in Rome; although it is also said it is related to the Lupercalia in which wheat based cakes were served as offerings.
  • The exact origin is unknown to most French people, however what they do know is the February 2nd is “Crêpe Day”, be it at home, with friends or at a creperie with a bottle of cider.

Alright, let’s move onto our Top 5 Best Crêperies so that you’re all set for the Chandeleur!

La Crêperie Bretonne

This is our all-time favorite, we absolutely love it! Not only are their crêpes delicious, but their galettes are also scrumptious, well-priced and the restaurant is decorated all over and gives you the sensation of being off in a little corner of Brittany. The team is overall friendly, and the best part is they have continuous service starting at noon and closing at 11 p.m. (23h). Address: 56 Rue du Montparnasse; 75014

La Crêperie Framboise Passy-Trocadéro (CLOSED)

This crêperie is very basic, but both their crêpes and galettes are delicious, the prices are fair and it is beautifully located between the Trocadéro and the Bir-Hakeim bridge. They also offer an all-day service until 10 p.m. (22h). This spot is ideal for hungry travelers that aren’t sure where they should eat (bonus point: it’s right close by the Eiffel Tower!) Address: 10 Boulevard Delessert, 75016

Crêperie Suzette

A down-to-Earth creperie, located in the heart of the Marais. This place has never let us down. Their sweet crêpes are particularly good, and their salads (because they do have some on their menu) are quite generous. We also like their extended service hours, closing up at 10:30 p.m. (22h30); and the waiters that we’ve had have always been quite kind and speak several languages. Address: 24 Rue des Francs Bourgeois, 75003

Breizh Café Le Marais

This creperie is extremely popular. So much so that they have several locations in Paris (as well in other regions in France and even abroad!). We really like their menu, as they offer many good and different options. The only con is that they are generally always full, so we suggest making a reservation (if you are able to), queue patiently or getting there a little early to make it in! They are open from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. (23h). Address: 109 Rue Vieille Du Temple, 75003

Crêperie Bretonne Fleurie de l’épouse du Marin

Last but not least, the galettes and crêpes at this crêperie are delightful and the prices are great! If you’re in the area, we’d say it’s definitely worth the wait or even making a reservation, seeing as they open for two different services at noon and in the evening; and the restaurant itself is quite small, but beautifully decorated as if it were the home of a Breton sailor’s wife. Address: 67 Rue de Charonne, 75011

That’s all!

Don’t forget to keep this list close by on your trip to Paris. In the step-by-step itineraires of our Detailed Guides we’ve included a few of these crêperies so you don’t miss out on this traditional French dish! If you’d like to purchase one of our guides visit our e-shop; and don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions, you can do so through one of our online contact forms or directly through our social media channels.

Bon appétit!

Paris awaits…

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